Velocity Credit Union offers you the convenience of electronic delivery (eDelivery) for account-related information that may otherwise be sent in paper form through the U.S. mail or by a shipping provider.
Velocity Credit Union is required by law to provide you with certain disclosures and information about your transaction. With your consent, Velocity Credit Union can deliver documents to you by displaying the documents electronically, and requesting that you sign, print and/or download the documents and retain them for your records.
In order to access your documents electronically, you must review and accept this consent form.
This notice contains important information that you are entitled to receive before you consent to electronic delivery of documents. Your consent also permits the general use of electronic records and electronic signatures in connection with your transaction. Please read this notice carefully and print or download a copy for your files. After you have read this information, if you agree to receive documents from Velocity Credit Union electronically, and if you agree to the general use of electronic records and electronic signatures in connection with your relationship with Velocity Credit Union, please consent where indicated.
eDisclosure Consent for Use of Electronic Signatures and Records – Statement of Electronic Disclosures:
You may request to receive documents on paper but if you do not consent to electronic delivery, Velocity Credit Union cannot proceed in the timeliest manner with processing your transaction. If you consent to electronic delivery of documents, you may withdraw that consent at any time.
If you consent to electronic disclosures, that consent applies to all documents Velocity Credit Union gives to you or receives from you in connection with your transaction and the associated notices, disclosures, and other documents.
You agree to print out or download documents and keep them for your records. If you have any trouble printing out or downloading any documents, you may call your financial institution representative for assistance.
If you need to update your email address or other contact information with Velocity Credit Union you may do so by contacting Mortgage Services at:
Mortgage Services by phone at: 512-469-7177 or by email at: [email protected]
If you wish to withdraw your consent to the use of electronic records and electronic signatures, you may do so electronically or by contacting Velocity Credit Union via the methods listed above. After consenting to receive and deliver documents electronically, you may, upon request, obtain a paper copy of the documents by contacting Velocity Credit Union via the methods listed above.
Your consent does not mean that Velocity Credit Union must provide the documents electronically. Velocity Credit Union, at its option, may deliver documents or otherwise communicate with you on paper. Velocity Credit Union may also require that certain communications from you be delivered to Velocity Credit Union on paper at a specified address.
I have read the information about the use of electronic records, disclosures, notices, and email, and consent to the use of electronic records for the delivery of Loan Application Documents in connection with my loan application with Velocity Credit Union. I have been able to view this information using my computer and software. I have an account with an Internet service provider, and I am able to send email and receive email with hyperlinks to websites and Velocity Credit Union in place of written documents and handwritten signatures.
Your consent to eDelivery remains in effect until you withdraw it or until your transaction is completed. You have the right to deny your consent or withdraw your consent at any time.
The browser support policy is to support the most current and prior version of the following browsers that receive technical support and security updates:
- Microsoft Edge
- Mozilla FireFox
- Apple Safari
- Google Chrome
- Have the ability to view, print, and/or download pdf files
If you do not have the required software and/or hardware, or if you do not wish to use electronic records and signatures for any other reason, you can request paper copies of the document(s) to be sent to you by Velocity Credit Union. Declining to consent will direct Velocity Credit Union to process paper copies.
I have read and understand the information above.
By consenting below, I agree to the terms and conditions stated above.